About Me

My name is Natalie Moyado and I have a BFA in Illustration from The American Academy of Art in Chicago. I graduated in 2010 with flying colors. Currently I reside in beautiful Long Beach, CA and work freelance whenever I can and the creativity juices are constantly flowing. Mostly I work with india ink, acrylic, gouache, colored pencil, and charcoal. I am amazing with dead lines and love working outside that normal box. 

I love humoring people physically and artistically. My goal through my art is for people to just enjoy it, think about it, laugh at the concept, take something from it. Hopefully it inspires them or sparks a memory. I also have a pretty morbid and sarcastic sense of humor and I try to exercise that as much as I can in my art. My inspiration comes mostly from the media, nature, and other artists. Although, I am very receptive and often take in my surroundings and that is a big inspiration.

 I like to think of myself as an enlightened individual and have a very open mind. I love trying and doing new things and most definitely have a free spirit. Whether I think about it or not, that type of freeness finds its way out of my head, through my hands, and onto my blank canvas. I only hope to pass it along.